Wednesday, February 24, 2010

To begin ...

...I suppose introductions are in order. Meet my Master Teachers...

This is Khemo.

He died in May of 2008 of an inoperable tumor in his gut. He was 24 years old. We had spent almost 17 of those 24 years together. It was not nearly long enough, but I am deeply grateful for the time we did have. I would say that Khemo was my dream horse, except ... he so resoundingly surpassed even my best dreams that calling him that would diminish him. I didn’t dream big enough to envision Khemo; when he came into my life I was blessed with way more than I had asked for.

Khemo taught by example and direct transmission. From him I learned about patience and perseverance. Forgiveness. He taught me to find humor even in serious situations. Nothing and no one has ever brought me so much pure, unadulterated Joy. My love for Khemo is what (still) inspires me to do whatever I can do for horses. Passing on what I've learned from him, translating books that might spark a step forward in the horse-human relationship, helping to get good work more widely known -- these, among other things, are my ways to honor his nobility and generosity of spirit.

And here is Kochet.
In his 16 years with me Kochet has taught me (among other things) about the depths of the fear and anger I carried around with me. He taught me about the damage that selfish expectations can do to a relationship. He teaches me continually about courage -- how it is not the absence of fear but the act of feeling the fear, confronting it, and moving through it. In being with Kochet I have learned what it means to be aware, to be fully present with a horse, and what powerful connection and communication occurs then. And I have learned how easily that connection can be broken by a stray thought or an unconscious feeling.

And this is Desna...

Desna, too, has taught me much about courage. And change. She has also given -- and continues to give -- me lesson after lesson in communication... the first one came before we ever met. Her ability to get along with others is inspirational. Some might say she is low horse in the pecking order, a submissive type... but that would not be wholly accurate. She leads her little herd when necessary and has very strong opinions on things.

And, here is the newest member of our family, Khe-Ra.

Even though Khe-Ra is four months away from her fourth birthday and she been with us only 11 months, she has already begun teaching some unexpected lessons. More about that soon. You would not recognize her from these photographs. That's because who she really is, is still a mystery.... to her and to me.

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